Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cherry Tattoos - Sweet and Sexy Tattoo For Women

Cherry Tattoos - Sweet and Sexy Tattoo For Women

Cherry tattoos are very popular among women mainly because its a symbol that can express their femininity and sexuality. They can usually be seen at the sexy parts of the body such as the lower hip, lower back, shoulder blade, breast and even in the groin area.

Cherries are seen as an object of lust, fertility and desire. The deep, ripe red cherry represents the fertility of a woman and the femininity of her ways. It is a symbol of purity when still hanging upon the branch. A cherry is also a slang term for a virgin, which can be another symbolic meaning associated with the tat. The type of cherry design you choose can also alter the symbolism.

For example, the cherries with the stem still attached show freshness and innocence while flaming cherries can symbolize a burning desire and cherries with whip cream can signify sweetness. Cherry tattoos can also symbolize health and well being due to the many health benefits associated with eating cherries. The fruit has also long been said to resemble a lover's lips, and when you bite into it, the fruit gives the appearance of bleeding. Thus, there has long been an erotic connection to the fruit of the cherry tree.

However way you chose to have it inked, be it fanciful and sweet, old school or edgy, there are countless design options to choose from. You are not limited to these variations mentioned, they are simply the most common styles and what they represent. Women opt for cherry tattoos not only because of their personal meanings, but also for their versatility in size and ability to be place almost anywhere on the body.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sexy Tattoos - Tattoos For Women is a Growing Trend

Sexy Tattoos - Tattoos For Women is a Growing Trend

Tattoos for women have become quite popular in the past few years. Tattoos have been around since man first began walking on the earth. Tattoos were a symbol of bravery, or a sign of the god that they believed in. Some tattoos may even tell a short story, or could be a bloodline. There are many things tattoos could represent in today's society. They are still used in many tribal activities today.

Many women think that they are very sexy. A person is never too old to get a sexy tattoo; one woman was 62 years old when she got her very first one. Most women choose to have their sexy tattoos printed on one of their breast, or around the ankles, however, other women like for it to go on their lower back or the stomach area just above their bikini line.

Many women like sexy tattoos so much that they have tattoos all over their bodies; but take it from a guy, too many tattoos on a woman takes away from their natural beauty, however, a few sexy tattoos do look very good, especially if they say something that lets a man know what she wants. Such as, a tattoo on the abdomen that says, "The fun starts here", and has an arrow that points down.

Tattoos for women are much better to have if they are colored in, more than a sexy tattoo that has no color at all. There are thousands of sexy tattoos for women not only at the tattoo studio, but you can find many beautiful ones online. Once you find the one that you feel is perfect for you, you can save the picture in your documents, print it out on your printer, and take it to the studio. The artist should not have any trouble transferring the print to you.

Sexy tattoos can be pictures of a girl's favorite animal, or even something mystical; it could even be of something that has a particular meaning to them. There are many mystical creatures that supposedly have mystical properties by wearing one. Such tattoos for women, as a gold fish, or an ankh, even fairies and wizards. Symbols are also a very popular item for sexy tattoos.

After your new sexy tattoos has been imprinted on your arm, of course, the artist will tell you to keep it clean, and this is very important. If proper care is not taken, the tattoo could become infected. If you feel abnormal pain, or more pain than you think you should, or if there is an increase in swelling, more than likely it has become infected. This is not due to the artist using a bad needle or anything like that, it just happens. Just like getting a piercing sometimes it becomes infected. You can use a good antibiotic cream to help keep your sexy tattoos clean, this should be applied as soon as you get home. A little preventive medicine will help keep the tattoo from becoming infected.

No matter which sexy tattoos you decide to choose, tattooed women can be proud to have a few on their body. Tattoos for women will continue to be very popular.